Endless Nights

choreography: Alesya Dobysh

dancers: Caissa Aartsen, Sophie André, Olga Balinska, Kayra Bayraktar, Ella Clayson, Teresa Costa, Dagmar van Dijk, Ellen Hallberg, Pleun Heefer, Jamie de Heus, Jane van Beers, Amber Scheepmaker & Frann Schollaert

soundscape: Aphex Twin / Max Frimout

light design: Erik van de Wijdeven

production: Fontys Dance Academy

Stamping, swirling, pulsating, bumping, hopping, falling, sweating, wondering - dancers in the “Endless Nights” find themselves stuck in the physical journey full of transformative symbols. Inspired by the video essay by Mark Leckey “Fiouruci Made Me Hardcore”, a compilation of found footage from British underground club subcultures, Alesya explores her fascination in the physicality of the crowd and the concealed state of loneliness it is filled with.

images by Sjoerd Derine